Have I mentioned April is WIP month? I decided I was sick of projects languishing on the needles so I set out to do something about it.
The first project I’m plowing through is my Wolf River by Melissa Schaschwary, knit out of Cloudborn Fibers Bulky Wool Twist in Slate Heather. Bulky yarn is perfect for the (instant) gratification knit. As of Sunday, when I took the last photo, I was almost done with the first sleeve. I’ve since finished it and knit about half of the second sleeve. I’m confident this one will be off the needles this week. Sadly, there may be occasion to wear it again before we get some actual spring/summer weather!
Next up on the needles is a WIP that has been lingering for far too long: my Banana Leaf Shawl by Yuki Ueda knit in Northbound Knitting BFL/Silk Lace in Metallurgy. My records show that I cast this on in October, when I knit a few inches and then moved on to something else. This is the kind of scarf/shawl that I want to wear, but I find tedious to knit. But the yarn is amazing and I want the finished object. It’s amazing how much progress you make when you actually work on it? In just two weeks, I’ve already put close to a foot of knitting on it. Can I finish it this month? We’ll see.
Next up is Mom’s blanket. When I last left off, it had 81 squares. My goal is 121. Let’s do this!