Hello and welcome to episode 449! Today I’ve got lots of knitting progress to show you: a finished sweater, another in progress, and maybe even a new cast on? Grab something lovely to drink and join me!
- David’s Tea, Spiced Apple
- Finished: Antique Flora by Wool & Pine, Zen Yarn Garden Superfine Fingering in Teal and Teal Spatter
- In progress: Blueberry Waffle Socks by Sandy Turner, New Garden Yarns Perennial in Blackberry Jam
- In progress: Sorrel by Wool & Pine, a variety of yarns
- In progress: Northeasterly by Skeinanigans, a variety of sock yarns
- Finished: Southern Cross Fibre SW Merino in Allegory
- In progress: Hello Yarn Cormo in Fig Leaf & Port