Episode 483: Stitchy & quilty
Hello and welcome to episode 483! Still not a ton of crafting, but a wee bit of knitting and a bit of stitching, plus crazy mistakes I make when quilting! I hope you have a lovely week. Knitting Embroidery Spinning
Hello and welcome to episode 483! Still not a ton of crafting, but a wee bit of knitting and a bit of stitching, plus crazy mistakes I make when quilting! I hope you have a lovely week. Knitting Embroidery Spinning
Hello and welcome to episode 481! I’ve got some knitting progress this week and the Tour is in full swing so I’m ready to spin. Thanks for joining me – I hope you enjoy! Knitting Embroidery Spinning
Hello and welcome to episode 479! It’s another fun week with all my crafts. And I’ve even got a few FOs to share. I hope you enjoy! Knitting Embroidery Quilting Spinning
Hello and welcome to episode 478! This week I have lots of crafting to share with you. I’ve got knitting, spinning, embroidery and also quilting. I’d call this a banner week! Knitting Embroidery Quilting Spinning
Hello and welcome to episode 477! This week I’m to the sleeve separation on my Weekday Tee, I’ve got a new embroidery kit to start, and I’ve been spinning. I hope you’re doing well! Knitting Embroidery Spinning
Welcome to episode 476! I’ve had a 3-day weekend to spend time knitting, spinning, sewing and embroidering so I have a few new projects to share. Grab something delicious and join me! Knitting Embroidery Spinning
Hello! Welcome to episode 475! This week I have almost all the crafts: knitting, embroidery and spinning. I’ve also set up the 2024 Tour de Fleece team for Team CKT. I’d love it if you joined up. Knitting Embroidery Spinning
Hello! I hope you had a good weekend! I went on a whirlwind trip and got two projects almost done. I have spinning, knitting AND embroidery to share this week. Thanks for joining me! Knitting Embroidery Spinning
Hi! Welcome to episode 473! I admit I don’t have a ton of crafting to share, but I’m still working on garter stitch scarves, and I’ve made progress on a new embroidered piece. I hope you enjoy! Knitting Embroidery Spinning
Hi! Welcome to episode 472. I’m still not crafting a ton due to tendonitis, but I had an amazing crafty weekend and I can’t wait to tell you all about it. I also finished my embroidery piece! Knitting Embroidery