knitting · podcast

Episode 388, A lot of talk about a little knitting.

Welcome back to episode 388! Today’s podcast is the last one for a few weeks. I’ve been tying up loose ends and looking forward to vacation cast-ons, so join me as I share what I’m knitting right now! Sipping: The Tea House, London Blend Knitting: Finished: Pop and Lock by Lisa K. Ross, Zen Yarn Garden Superfine… Continue reading Episode 388, A lot of talk about a little knitting.

knitdesign · knitme · knitting

Knit Me: Snickersnack in Brown Sheep Yarn Co. Lana Bouclé

When I was given the opportunity recently to review Lana Bouclé from Brown Sheep, I was excited to try a new-to-me wool! Brown Sheep Yarn Co. is a spinning mill and wool company located in Mitchell, Nebraska. They’ve been producing wooly yarns since 1980 and both spin and dye the yarns they sell. (The only… Continue reading Knit Me: Snickersnack in Brown Sheep Yarn Co. Lana Bouclé